While the Cleveland Clinic Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health will not hold any site-based programming at its facility until further notice, the center will continue to offer virtual educational, support, and therapeutic programs. Free and open to the community, these online programs address topics of interest to individuals and care partners navigating Alzheimer’s and other dementias; Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, and other movement disorders; and multiple sclerosis. The goal is to help our community learn to manage different stressors and maximize quality of life in the face of the new challenges and opportunities brain disorders present.
By leveraging technology, participants will be able to join classes through their computer, tablet, or smartphone. Participants can simply reach out to the contact for each program of interest and to receive customized instructions on how to join the group session.
For additional information, please contact Verla Niebuhr at 702.271.9563or niebuhv@ccf.org You can also view the patient and family services day-by-day program calendar at ClevelandClinic.org/NevadaEvents.
Lynne Ruffin-Smith e-Library for Remote Access
The Lynne Ruffin-Smith Library has reopened! Hours of operation are Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. The Lynne Ruffin-Smith Library also offers an e-Library selection of resources. People in rural and remote areas of Nevada, as well as those who can’t visit the library at the Clinic, can now access e-books from a computer, phone, tablet or iPad®. To check out materials from the e-Library, register as a library patron and obtain a patron number (library card number) by visiting the library Monday – Friday, from 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. or call 702.271.9563. Remote access can be gained by visiting keepmemoryalive.org/library. Contact the Library at louruvolibrary@ccf.org, for additional information.
- Selection & e-Library Book of the Month: How To Sleep: The New Science-Based Solutions for Sleeping Through the Night – By Rafael Pelayo, MD, FAASM
Special Events:
- Powerful Tools For Caregivers – Free online session
Tuesdays, Jan. 11 – Feb. 15 from 1 – 3 p.m. OR 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.
An evidence-based program designed to counteract negative feelings and positively impact the health of a diverse caregiving populating including adult children of aging parents, spouses/partners, and caregivers at differing stages in their caregiving roles, living situations, financial means, and educational backgrounds. Registration is required:702.271.9563 or LouRuvoSocialServ@ccf.org
- Integrated Care In Parkinson Disease
Saturday, Jan. 15 from 9 a.m. – 3:05 p.m.
Join the discussion and ask the experts about integrated care in Parkinson disease. The live and interactive online symposium presented by Cleveland Clinic movement disorder specialists will address diet and nutrition, innovative applications of dance and music for managing Parkinson’s, neuropsychiatric issues and more. Registration required: CC-PDeducation.com.
Lunch & Learn Educational Series – In Honor of Barbara “Spicy Lady” Edmonds
Wednesdays, from Noon – 1 p.m.
Guests are encouraged to join the conversation using the Q & A box during this free online educational session. For more information about the Lunch & Learn program or to obtain the link to join live, please email louruvosocialserv@ccf.org or contact Verla at 702.271.9563. Missed a session? Past recordings can be viewed at clevelandcliniceducationnv.org.
- Jan. 5: Dementia Conversations With Chuck, Jennifer, Nancy and Kat
Learn more about this public idea exchange that engages participants in collaborative learning to talk openly and honestly about what it means to live with dementia and to explore ideas for living well.
- Jan. 12: Sleep, The Most Natural and Powerful Form of Self-Care For All Of Us (Part I) – Raphael Pelayo, MD, FAASM Stanford University School of Medicine
Much more than a talk about sleep hygiene, join Dr. Pelayo, clinical professor and author of, How to Sleep for a comprehensive discussion of your questions about sleep.
- Jan. 19: Sleep, The Most Natural and Powerful Form of Self-Care For All Of Us (Part II) – Raphael Pelayo, MD, FAASM Stanford University School of Medicine
Dr. Pelayo returns to share more about new science-based solutions for sleeping through the night.
- Jan. 26: Close Contact For Couples: Giving Partners Support – Judith Sachs, Anyone Can Dance and Ruth Almén, LCSW, MSW
An introduction to a new 6-week program that offers couples living with Parkinson’s disease or other movement concerns a way to approach activities of daily living together, learning to negotiate a turn, a shift of weight, an assist in simple non-dancer strategic ways.
Campus & Community Events:
- Service of Remembrance
Wednesday, Jan. 12 from 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Join us for our second semi-annual ‘Service of Remembrance’ to come together and honor the memory of your loved ones who have died. It is important that we come together and pause to remember our loved ones – especially in this time, when we have lost so many and have lost so much. Cleveland Clinic social workers Sandy Chapman, LSW, and Ruth Almen, LCSW, will facilitate the service and help participants reflect, celebrate and remember our loved ones. RSVP: Chapmas6@ccf.org or Almenr2@ccf.org.
- Dementia Conversations
Mondays, from 10 – 11:30 a.m. with Chuck and Jennifer
Fridays, from 1 – 2:30 p.m. with Kat and Nancy
Whether you have recently received a diagnosis of dementia, are embarking on the journey of supporting with a loved one, or are just interested in learning more about the experience of living with dementia, join us in a friendly space where no expertise is necessary and where they are no bad questions. To register visit: http://dementiafriendlynevada.org/Dementia-Conversations/
Therapeutic Services:
- Rhythmic Reminiscence
Thursdays, from 1:15 – 2:15 p.m.
Pre-approval is required
Rhythmic Reminiscence is a music and movement program specially designed for individuals with memory loss. Led by physical and music therapists from the Lou Ruvo Center for Brain Health, participants will have the opportunity to exercise, engage socially, and have some fun. Pre-approval is required for this program. Contact Becky Wellman for online access and information at wellmar@ccf.org or 702.701.7895.
- Group Music Therapy for Individuals with Memory Loss
Monday – Friday, from 3 – 4:30 p.m. daily
Music therapy is a place for friends to connect through music and song. Offered to patients and caregivers, this class combines music and therapeutic techniques to help those impacted by memory or movement disorders. These classes help to decrease feelings of stress, anxiety, and depression, increase language and communication skills, aid in regulating movement coordination and provide opportunities for memory recall. They can also improve social interactions and emotional connections with family and caregivers. Contact Dr. Becky Wellman for online access and information at wellmar@ccf.org or 702.701.7895.
- Yoga for Parkinson’s
Saturdays, from 1 – 2 p.m.
Yoga helps patients be intuitive with their body and understand the challenges and changes they are going through. Through this program, Cleveland Clinic’s goal is to provide a safe space for patients diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, and their loved ones, to participate in physical activity and experience the many benefits that come from practicing yoga. Contact Ruth Almen for online access and information at almenr2@ccf.org or 702.483.6054.
- Yoga for MS
Wednesdays & Fridays, from 1 – 2 p.m.
Yoga helps patients be intuitive with their body and understand the challenges and changes they are going through. Through this program, Cleveland Clinic’s goal is to provide a safe space for patients diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and their loved ones, to participate in physical activity and experience the many benefits that come from practicing yoga. Contact Sandy Chapman for online access and information at chapmas6@ccf.org or 702.778.7000.
Support Group Schedule:
- Frontotemporal Disorders (FTD) and Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA) support group for care partners
Wednesday, Jan. 5 & Jan. 19, from 6:30 – 8 p.m.
For online access and/or additional information, contact Ruth Almen at almenr2@ccf.org or call 702.483.6054.
- Dementia with Lewy Body (DLB) support group for care partners
Wednesday, Jan. 5 & Jan. 19, from 1:15 – 2:45 p.m.
This is an ongoing support group for family members of individuals who have been diagnosed with DLB. For customized instructions on how to register and join, contact Michelle Pester at pesterm@ccf.org or call 702.483.6006.
- Caring for Persons with Memory Loss – Peer-Led Group support group for care partners
Wednesday, Jan. 12 & Jan. 26, from 1:15 – 2:15 p.m.
This is a peer-led caregiver support group for family members and/or individuals caring for loved ones with all levels of memory impairment, regardless of diagnosis. The goal of this support group is to provide educational, emotional, and social support to caregivers in a safe and non-judgmental environment. This group is facilitated by Cleveland Clinic volunteers, and those in attendance are asked to honor the privacy of all group participants and information disclosed during the meeting. For additional information or to register, emailLouRuvoPeerSupGrp@ccf.org.
- Parkinson’s Disease (PD) support group for individuals and care partners
Tuesday, Jan. 25 from 11:30 – 12:30 p.m.
For customized instructions on how to register and join, contact Ruth Almen at almenr2@ccf.org or call 702.483.6054.
- Huntington’s Disease (HD) support group for individuals and care partners
Thursday, Jan. 20, from Noon – 1 p.m.
For customized instructions on how to register and join, contact Michelle Pester at pesterm@ccf.org or call 702.483.6006.
- Multiple Sclerosis (MS) support group for individuals and care partners
Mondays, from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m.
Share coping strategies, resources, uplifting stories, concerns about health and medication, work and safety environment, and connect with others traveling a similar journey. For customized instructions on how to register and join, contact Sandy Chapman at chapmas6@ccf.org or call 702.778.7000.
Engagement Arts:
- Conversations to Remember
Monday, Jan. 10 & Jan. 24, from 10:30 – 11:45 a.m.
Telling stories through art is fun and can foster creative thinking and thought-provoking exchanges. It can also stimulate distant memories. Ideal for individuals with memory loss or cognitive decline and their care partners, this class helps drive conversations that lead to new discovery, reveal personal history and introduce us to our fellow companions, all through art. For online access, contact LouRuvoSocialServ@ccf.org or call Verla Niebuhr at 702.271.9563.
- The Learning Arts
This program offers eclectic excursions, via videoconferencing, with museums, showcasing remarkable places across the country. For online access, contact Verla Niebuhr at 702.778.6702 or louruvosocialserv@ccf.org.
- Tuesday, Jan. 4, from 11 a.m. – Noon: Contemporary Craft Works – Smithsonian American Art Museum
- Tuesday, Jan. 18, from 11 a.m. – Noon: Amazing Asia – Chattanooga Zoo
- Mind in Design – An ONLINE Art Making Class for Everyone
Monday, Feb. 7, from 10:30 a.m. – Noon OR 1 – 2:30 p.m.
Patients, families, and caregivers are invited to come together virtually, tap into their creativity, unwind, and de-stress in a fun, friendly and interactive art session. Art kits with necessary materials are mailed in advance to all registered participants. Advance registration is required by January 14th. Those interested in attending can register at louruvosocialserv@ccf.org or can call 702.271.9563.